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Ar tonelico 2 Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Metafalica  PS2 ISO

Ar tonelico 2 Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Metafalica PS2 ISO

NAME Ar tonelico 2 Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Metafalica
Language JPN
Release Date 2009
Genre RPG


Ar tonelico 2 Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Metafalica – JPN – SLPS-25819
Link Direct
Link Mega
Link 1File


  • Guide play PS2 games on PS3: Here
  • Guide play PS2 games on PS4: Here
  • Guide play PS2 games on PC (Windows, Mac) : Here

Before downloading any game PS2, you need to check List name game PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility:
for PS3: Here or for PS4: Here
(Several games will work perfectly, several will have minor issues, and others will have major issues or might not work. There is an ever growing list of PS2 Classics being tested and documented on the PSDevWiki)

A mysterious epidemic called Infa Pira Dependency (IPD) has been driving Reyvateils insane and killing them at the floating island of Metafalss. Croix, a young knight from the Church of Pastalia, is sent to contain the epidemic. However, many more challenges await, which lead him to unravelling the mysteries of the planet Ar Ciel and seek the legend handed down by the people of Metafalss: the lost Song of Metafalica.

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